PuG Story
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# Article Title Author Hits
1 Learning new vocabulary with PuGs Dovesari 2247
2 Mage Ninja Joey 2000
3 DK's why oh why does everyone think they can play a DK? Joey 2196
4 You don't need a spec to be a healer ... Maureen 1599
5 Tank? What Tank? Joey 1038
6 Hunter Rogue .... Joey 1071
7 Absolutely No Learning Curve Maureen 944
8 A sad rogue Caleb 917
9 Interesting in PVP Joey 943
10 Confusing Graveyard ... Dovesari 854
11 Pretty Mages .. Dovesari 827
12 Druid of many forms Administrator 814
13 Rogues in SFK Losat 797
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