Engineering Madness

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Guild Members

(117 total)
Name Level Race Class Gender Rank Ach. points Portrait
Ïnka 46 Dwarf Warlock Female Officer Alts 370
Joeyjoedog 75 Unknown Race Warrior Male Officer Alts 710
Joeyjoejoesr 85 Dwarf Hunter Male Officer Alts 2625
Joeyjoepa 41 Dwarf Priest Male Officer Alts 350
Kalasin 56 Dwarf Mage Female Officer Alts 250
Keladry 85 Draenei Death Knight Female Officer Alts 2695
Khonshu 85 Unknown Race Hunter Male Officer Alts 1020
Kodabear 24 Unknown Race Warrior Female Officer Alts 110
Mosbey 66 Dwarf Death Knight Male Officer Alts 270
Mosey 85 Dwarf Shaman Female Officer Alts 3035
Mosianajones 25 Dwarf Rogue Female Officer Alts 925
Myghtymousee 85 Human Warlock Female Officer Alts 2515
Proscutii 80 Human Paladin Male Officer Alts 2920
Stabbyjoejoe 58 Dwarf Rogue Female Officer Alts 430
Sumora 85 Night Elf Hunter Female Officer Alts 1780
Thayet 85 Gnome Warlock Female Officer Alts 4230
Thndrstorm 85 Dwarf Paladin Female Officer Alts 2735
Winnamine 30 Dwarf Paladin Female Officer Alts 100
Wolvesfang 85 Unknown Race Death Knight Male Officer Alts 1300
Yamani 85 Night Elf Druid Female Officer Alts 3120
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