Pretty Mages .. PDF Print E-mail
Written by Dovesari   
Friday, 11 February 2011 18:08

One of the scariest things I have ever seen a pug write ... occurred the other day in Scholomance.  A group of four of us pugged a dps, we end up with a fully heirloom kitted out mage.  A few bosses in a cloth chest drops and the mage needs on it. Confused we ask him about it because he was wearing an heirloom chest and the chest drop was a definate downgrade.  His response "I am tired of purple and the blue is pretty" ... now we all know male gnomes must look pretty but why would you exchange a handful of stats plus the 10% experience boost ... to look pretty ....  And as a side note I felt should be mentioned it was  pointed out if you wanted to look pretty  why would you roll a male gnome ...

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